It may seem a little odd that in my first blog I commented that the District Council needed non-party political members to work on behalf of residents – taking party politics out of local politics – and then I joined a new political party, R4U. However there is a difference – R4U is a non-political party!
R4U is not concerned with party affiliation. It is an umbrella group for those who would like to make a difference within Uttlesford, but do not feel that central government directives are the way to go.
Each R4U councillor elected can vote on issues in the way that they feel is best for the community.
At present councillors affiliated to a national party are told how to vote by their group leader – Cllr Keith Mackman was recently suspended from the Conservative party for repeatedly going against the party whip, and has now joined R4U so that he can continue to work for residents.
I was elected as an Independent. I am not giving up my Independent status by joining R4U, as I will continue to work for the benefit of residents of the Newport ward, and for the district of Uttlesford as a whole. I will never be told how to vote, but by gaining the backing of R4U I am able to offer so much more. R4U has dedicated people writing its manifesto, covering the areas that concern residents the most. There are also those who can interpret UDC’s annual accounts and ensure that all manifesto promises are financially viable. There is web support, and so much more. People are working tirelessly for a better Uttlesford.
And so I am proud to have been chosen as a candidate for R4U, and will work with them and for local residents to bring about a District Council run by the people for the people.
Love where you live.