Press Release: Residents criticise ‘spinning’ UDC leadership for failing to properly acknowledge or learn from Local Plan crisis

23rd December 2014, Saffron Walden: Residents for Uttlesford (R4U), the local advocacy party for towns and villages, has renewed calls for accountability in the Local Plan crisis and criticised Uttlesford …read more →

Cllr Joanna Parry: Santa over Uttlesford!

Spot Father Christmas flying over Uttlesford on Christmas Eve! At around 5.23pm on Christmas Eve if you go outside (wrap up warm!) you’ll be able to see Father Christmas’s sleigh* …read more →

ECC Cllr John Lodge: Youth Strategy must continue in 2015

This week I attended an excellent evening to showcase work sponsored by the Youth Strategy Group. There were around 10 youth organisations which presented the work they were doing and …read more →

Dan Starr: Residents views “count for nothing” as Tories close ranks to save face over failed Local Plan

Last night the full District Council met to discuss the Local Plan process and instead demonstrated all that is broken with local politics. The losers were the residents of Uttlesford …read more →

Neil Hargreaves: How is £millions wasted ‘Fiscally prudent & good value?”

I spoke last night at the UDC full council meeting. Bringing my financial experience to the table, I explored the wasted millions at UDC, and laid the criticism at the foot …read more →

Sharon Morris: Damage has been done and an unreserved apology is overdue

Last night, I made this statement to the full Uttlesford district council: Councillors, it is with a sense of great disappointment that I stand before you this evening. I am …read more →

Cllr Keith Mackman: Anything less than 26 votes fatally damages UDC authority

The full council meeting tonight will be viewed differently by the various people involved. It seems that the Tory group are being relentlessly whipped (or advised to take a diplomatic …read more →

Dan Starr: Only 23 councillors voted for the unsound local plan in April. How will yours vote tomorrow?

Thursday night of 18th December sees a cross-party vote of no confidence in the UDC leadership over their failed Local Plan. How will your councillor vote and what excuses will …read more →

ECC Cllr John Lodge: Letter to the Editor….

A preview of this week’s letter from Uttlesford resident’s ECC representative…. Dear Sir, With the demise of the UDC Plan on 4th December, a crucial announcement went largely un-noticed. The …read more →

R4U Cllr Keith Mackman: A cross-party motion of no confidence in the UDC Leadership

I consulted with fellow Residents for Uttlesford group members and senior members of the Lib Dems following on from the Planning Inspector’s decision to prematurely stop the examination into the …read more →