I attended last weeks’ Town Council meeting where we were briefed on a letter from ECC to suggest the three areas within the town liable to flooding from surface water. Whilst it is important to flag up flooding hotspots, I think it very short sighted to discount ALL other areas which have been victim to flooding over recent times. Most flooding has been put down to development and concreting over ground which should be absorbing rainfall and instead causing surface run off, the consequences of which were felt by many last year. How would residents feel if only three locations were acted upon and theirs was the one to be left to flood at will?
It is actions such as these that give me good reason to move from a party that cherry picks what it thinks residents want to hear…The local Conservatives are so insistent about all that the Planning Inspector said as being positive, they have consistently convinced themselves that all is fine and dandy with their local development plan. When will they ever learn the word ‘NO’, sit down, clear the slate and work with others to move our fantastic district forward?