Tuesday 3rd February 2015, Uttlesford: Residents-for-Uttlesford (R4U), the local advocacy party for towns and villages, has announced that former Saffron Walden Mayor and longstanding Town Councillor Sarfraz Anjum has crossed the aisle from the Conservatives to join them. He is the fourth councillor to leave the Tories for R4U in as many months.

Cllr Sarfraz Anjum (R4U) – Saffron Walden Town Council

Cllr John Lodge R4U Chairman
Local party Residents-for-Uttlesford have stated that their goal is to “take back Uttlesford District Council for residents” in the May elections. In late 2014 district councillors Heather Asker, Keith Mackman and David Watson joined R4U from the Tories. Former Lib-Dem Mayor and district councillor Richard Freeman and Labour parliamentary candidate Barbara Light also defected to R4U at the same time. In the run up to the election R4U have already announced 14 district council candidates in addition to the 4 elected councillors they already have.