It is official – Wards have been allocated and beneficially I will have the honour of listening to and representing the views, hopes, concerns and aspirations of the townsfolk from my side of Dunmow.
Admittedly any one of my fellow candidates from R4U would serve you and I over this side of town just as capably but hopefully it will feel a little more reassuring to the residents of Dunmow (South) that their man is on the doorstep.
A fan of localism, the removal of party politics, with all its incumbent unnecessary and unproductive bickering and party posturing, from the way we govern the place in which we live.
Within the R4U team you have at your disposal powerful and knowledgeable advocates, with that common interest in ensuring the old guard’s outdated, outmoded, no longer fit for purpose methods of running our District affairs do not get repeated from May onwards.
I am unashamedly a fan of localism, the removal of party politics, with all its incumbent unnecessary and unproductive bickering and party posturing, from the way we govern the place in which we live. Sure some things are set in stone, enacted in law by our learned friends in Westminster, however, when it comes to managing our affairs in this fair corner of Essex we, the residents, are capable of identifying our needs, debating the options, arriving at a consensus and working with the long experienced Officers we are fortunate to have in our District council.
My aim is to not only make myself accessible but to gently encourage, persuade, cajole and motivate more folk to voice their opinion, whilst simultaneously bringing the matters that will affect you and I to your attention; to open the conversations and defend the majority will in any decision process that takes place back at the UDC ranch.
So forgive me if you find your door being rattled over the next few months, it will be myself along with supporters seeking your vote in the District Council May election.
Your vote for R4U is a sensible vote for a better way, a vote that follows in the footsteps of thousands who have and continue to vote for the removal of intrusive and damaging party politics from local issues.
Come join us, make a difference and vote R4U in May.