50 shades of grey, that’s not the books, or the film, or even the colour of my hair!
But it is what most people think of Politics in general and Uttlesford politics in particular.
Residents for Uttlesford are a new Political party and I am proud to be a prospective candidate
for them in the local Uttlesford election.
Our colours are actually turquoise and blue, but our policies are transparent and available for all to see on our web site.
We don’t repeat the old style of Politics, we don’t indulge in personal attacks or tit for tat speeches.
We have more than enough ammunition to strengthen our case, in fact 8 years, 2,920 days and
£2,000,000, that’s a 2 and 6 noughts. That’s the amount wasted by this present Council on their
failed local plan.
Here are some more numbers, 07/05/2015, that’s the date for the Local elections and we have a chance to take back our community and put an end to 50 shades of Grey.