Following the first accident in what R4U predicted would be an unsafe traffic scheme forced on Saffron Walden by UDC, R4U pushes for traffic calming, speed restrictions and other changes.
The accident happened at the Debden Rd traffic lights in the middle of UDC’s new Urban Clearway scheme in Saffron Walden on 28th October 2017
John Lodge continued “We all know that speed kills and removing parking has created unobstructed race-tracks through the town’s residential neighbourhoods. That makes our roads more dangerous for other road users and pedestrians. Less than 10 days after the yellow lines went in, it has been reported that many vehicles have been speeding through the town at more than 50 mph; and the first significant accident has happened. On Saturday police were called to the scene when a Saffron Walden mum, with her young daughter in their car, was hit by a vehicle that is understood to have come through the Debden Road lights on a red. We are lucky that their car protected them. However hundreds of school children walk down this route every day and an unsafe scheme is unacceptable. So we are now pushing for Essex County Council to put in safety measures, as we recently did successfully with the low railway bridge in Newport. We will let residents know the progress we make and expect UDC to now support any traffic calming and safety measures.”