Major concerns have been voiced by Residents for Uttlesford about a new air quality report that Uttlesford District Council has produced to support building at least a further 250 houses on the east of Saffron Walden. The planning applications will be determined at a public meeting on 19th December 2018.
Developers of 250 homes on the Kier and Shire Hill Farm sites on the east of Saffron Walden have prepared air quality reports for their applications. UDC commissioned an independent review of each of these reports which show that their proposed housing estates will significantly and adversely affect pollution through the town centre. UDC has also prepared its own report of the two applications combined which seems to say the exact opposite.

“As part of the applications for the new houses UDC has even reintroduced their much ridiculed ‘road-to-nowhere’ between Thaxted Rd and Radwinter Rd. Actually their link-road proposal doesn’t solve the underlying east-west traffic problems that cause delay and pollution. It is designed as a normal estate road that only goes from Radwinter Rd to Thaxted Rd. If built, it will force 1000s of cars and HGVs along a normal estate road and right past homes and the new primary school. It is the equivalent of sending HGVs and cars up Winstanley Rd and Ross Close past the Katherine Semar School.”
UDC proposals would see traffic entering Saffron Walden from the east be forced back through the town, even though Essex Highways say the eastern-link road should not be built as it will not work
Paul Gadd continued “Essex Highways say it should not be built because it is an estate road and not designed for lots of traffic [see ECC Traffic Study Page 9, 10]. Specifically say that the predicted traffic volumes ‘are unsuitable for residential roads of the type being proposed’; that it should be ‘routed appropriately around’ the housing estates and not right through them. In fact they go on to say that without a relief road outside of the town, they ‘would not recommend further development in the east of Saffron Walden as it would not be possible to improve the existing road network within the town to accommodate the additional traffic.’ UDC should follow the recommendation from those responsible for the roads. What Saffron Walden urgently actually needs is a proper new east-west relief road.”
Cllr Gadd concluded “To make matters worse, UDC seem to be using this air quality report to support their other intention to route all inbound HGVs right through the town centre. Keir’s application was defeated 4 years ago by residents and rejected by the Planning Inspector because it would worsen traffic congestion and so pollution. We are considering all options, including a judicial review. The Kier planning proposal is scheduled to be heard by the UDC Planning Committee on Wednesday 19th of December at 2pm at the London Rd council offices. We recommend that concerned residents register to speak and attend the meeting.”
Residents who wish to speak at the Planning Committee meeting must register. Details are available here on the UDC website.
Supporting Documents and Information:
- Essex Highways study of Saffron Walden Traffic (Nov 2016) ** see page 9 and 10 for summary ** – PDF
- Objection submitted to voice residents’ concerns about new Saffron Walden traffic light and one-way scheme
- Significant concerns about bias at UDC towards planning approvals sought by Kier in Saffron Walden
- Legal advice sought by UDC gained by FOI – see page 19, section 57 – PDF
- Response to application for costs on behalf of Uttlesford District Council – see page 5, section 21 – PDF
- Email from Kier to UDC Head of Planning about second appeal – PDF
- Planning Application for 250 houses – UTT/18/0824/OP (Kier) on UDC website
- Planning Application for 100 houses – UTT/17/2832/OP (Shire Hill Farm) on UDC website
- UDC Planning Committee meeting 19th December 2018 documents and agenda
- Register to speak at an Uttlesford District Council planning committee meeting