The Motion of No Confidence filed by the Westminster opposition at UDC has been exposed to be based on fabrications and dismissed.

Cllr Lodge continued “This administration is proud of its track record. It was voted in by the biggest local election landslide in the UK to change UDC for the better, and that is what we are doing. A £multi-million deficit has been turned into a surplus, shielding the taxpayer and protecting services. The Council has invested £millions in programmes to help local businesses recover from Covid, fight Climate Change, and invest in district-wide sports and community facilities. We’ve delivered the first Residents Charter at UDC and are half way through a 4 year programme to re-engineer the council operations around the needs of residents. The local Westminster parties may not like the fact we’ve parked our picnic blankets on what they consider are their village greens – but that is not our concern. We were voted in to deliver a better council for the residents and that is what we’re doing.”