The latest step has been taken in R4U’s environmental programme, with almost 500 trees being planted on the new open area at Lime Avenue, off Little Walden Road, Saffron Walden, this weekend.

“Last year the Town Council planted trees mainly on the Common and around the Anglo-American Playing Fields, and because of the covid situation at the time we couldn’t involve local residents, so it was great to have the community fully involved again.”
Cllr McLellan continued “Lime Avenue is the new open space which Saffron Walden Town Council is finally getting after years of delay from Persimmon Homes. After all the effort we have had to put in it’s particularly rewarding to see it being so well used, even though the Town Council are still having to fight with Persimmon to get the changing rooms properly installed. On Saturday morning there were two football games going on the new pitches there, and the surrounding area provides a great outdoor area for residents. As well as the tree planting, we’ve left paths through them and open areas, and I also plan to have wild flower areas there, given their shortage locally and nationally. The Town Council should shortly also be planting mixed native hedging along the road into Lime Avenue.”

R4U’s Louise Pepper, UDC Portfolio Holder for the Environment, said “This is yet another step in our plans to increase greatly the number of trees in Uttlesford, and my congratulations to Saffron Walden Town Council for it.”