Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) opposes Essex County Council’s axing of the Highway Rangers service as part of a new round of cuts in ECC’s self-described programme of ‘managed decline’ of Essex’s roads.

Cllr Gadd continued “This follows the revelations recently exposed in a report published by ECC’s own Security Committee. That report says that ECC’s Essex Highways has run out of money, and they have been operating a programme of ‘managed decline’ of our roads. They are spending less than half the funds required to ‘stand still’ on maintenance, there was a zero pothole budget, and that as a result the safety of our roads was already a ‘concern’ and would only get ‘worse’. Now ECC have announced that they are cutting the Highways Rangers service. Through my fellow opposition alliance members at ECC, we will be continuing to push ECC to explain how they intend to ensure our roads remain safe.”

ECC state that their roads are in 'managed decline', there is inadequate funding to maintain them, and now they are axing the Highways Rangers service.