Work starts on new path across bottom of Saffron Walden Common

Work has just started on the Saffron Walden Town Council’s new path across the south (bottom) of The Common. It is intended to link Common Hill, the East St footbridge, …read more →

Access on a blind bend? Public Comment Deadline for 150 houses in Newport extended until 1st December

Access on a blind bend, inaccurate traffic reporting, and the severing of the Harcamlow Way are just a few of the issues raised by residents and the Newport Parish Council …read more →

Saffron Walden District Councillor Surgery – Friday, November 3

Do you have any council related issues? Come and talk to your R4U District Councillors Barbara Light and Sharon Morris at their surgery on Friday, November 3. They look forward …read more →

Tory UDC administration’s decision to sell ‘public open space’ land for housing referred for review by R4U

R4U has referred the Conservative UDC Cabinet’s proposal to sell a wildlife site for housing for review by UDC’s Scrutiny Committee. The review comes after R4U investigations found that the …read more →

Deadline: Respond to UDC Local Plan consultation by Monday 4th

This is a reminder that UDC’s latest Local Plan public consultation is due to end at 5:00PM on Monday 4th September, so please get your comments in over the next …read more →

Stop Press: Is your Uttlesford community getting more homes? UDC publish draft Local Plan housing numbers

Today UDC just published its draft list of where it wants to allow new homes to be built. If passed by a majority of councillors, this version of the Local …read more →

Class sizes of 60? SWCHS head asks residents to think about education cuts when they vote

The Saffron Walden County High School (SWCHS) head has asked voters to think about education when they vote in June because local schools are facing £millions in cuts. She says …read more →

Little Walden Road residents’ group calls for support at Wednesday’s district Planning Meeting about 85-home Gladman development

This Wednesday 10th May the Uttlesford District Council Planning Committee will review developer Gladman’s application for 85 homes on farmland outside the Saffron Walden town boundary on the Little Walden …read more →

What does it mean? “Residents not Politicians”

R4U’s 2017 campaign message is “Residents not Politicians”, so what does it actually mean since R4U’s councillors are elected to political office like any other politician? It’s all based on …read more →

Yes, it’s that time to vote local again!

There are local elections in less than a month. Please vote Residents for Uttlesford to keep your voice local. R4U is  standing candidates in the Dunmow, Saffron Walden and Stansted county …read more →