A new Aldi in Saffron Walden is exciting, but will it benefit the town?

A new Aldi has just opened up on the edge of Saffron Walden. It will provide competition, consumer choice, but will it pull footfall away from the town centre? I …read more →

Saffron Walden Town Hall Task Force meet for the first time

FIRST MEETING OF SAFFRON WALDEN TOWN HALL WORKING PARTY The first meeting of this group took place recently. Those present were Malcolm White (interim town clerk), Terry Frostick, and Cllrs …read more →

Dan Starr: George Osborne doesn’t think residents should decide what’s best for Uttlesford

A number of this week’s budget announcements are a full-frontal assault on localism. The much promoted recent localism and devolution agendas have been well and truly shoved to one side …read more →

The campaign for essential infrastructure continues…

This is Whiteditch Lane in Newport. Here this morning there was a horse, a car, myself and the dog. (Picture is from 2013, wasn’t quick enough today, you’ll need to …read more →

Election may be over, but campaigning for residents continues…

I’d like to thank everyone in Clavering Ward who voted for me and, for those that didn’t, their time if we met and had a discussion. I have to say …read more →

Doing our best for our wards and the District…

In Newport the campaign was quite civilized and so thanks to our opponents for that. Our new group Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) took all of the Saffron Walden wards and …read more →

Dan Starr on the Ashdon ward: Hard fought. Narrowly lost. Personal gain.

I contested the Ashdon ward in this week’s Uttlesford local elections. I lost by 42 votes. It was so close that it was doubly disappointing. But I’m smiling. Quite a …read more →

And the count goes on….until Friday evening

Election Day started before 6AM for me as I wanted to be at the polling stations in my ward by 7. It was great to see so many faces I …read more →

It’s all about trust.

We have focused our Residents’ campaign on policies to shape Uttlesford’s future. But when the electorate is being so deliberately misled, it is difficult to let it pass. Recent public …read more →

Listening and building sustainable communities.

In last week’s press, a correspondent made some excellent points about the exciting rise of R4U as a political force in a time when we need collective action to address …read more →