New Residents COVID-19 Uttlesford Business Directory enables locals to connect with essential services

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) has launched a programme to allow residents to connect with local businesses that have adapted customer-collect and home delivery services during the COVID-19 outbreak. R4U Chair …read more →

R4U announces UDC steps up action on coronavirus

The R4U led administration at Uttlesford District Council is following government advice for dealing with coronavirus, has plans in place to try to minimise impact to council services, and is …read more →

Council houses, community safety and assuring our future: R4U led UDC approves 2020/21 budget to deliver on Residents’ Agenda

R4U led Uttlesford District Council has approved the 2020/21 council budget to deliver on the next phase of R4U’s ‘residents’ agenda’. The budget will see more council houses, a dedicated …read more →

R4U administration starts re-engineering of planning at Uttlesford District Council

R4U led Uttlesford District Council has engaged an external team of advisers as part of re-engineering planning at the council and fixing the Local Plan after failures by the previous …read more →

Stansted Airport expansion refused

The Planning Committee at Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) led Uttlesford District Council has refused the proposed expansion of Stansted Airport. Manchester Airports Group (MAG), who own and operate Stansted Airport, …read more →

Inspector finds former Conservative Administration’s second Uttlesford Local Plan unsound; new administration commits to re-engineering the council

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) has announced that its new administration has committed to re-engineering Uttlesford District Council (UDC) to deliver a proper Local Plan after the Planning Inspectors found the …read more →

Two major appeal wins prevent 224 unsustainable homes on the edge of Newport

Residents have been celebrating in Newport after they won two appeals against the unsustainable development of more than 200 new homes in their village. The appeals were fought by a …read more →

UDC Leaders’ End of Year Message: “Delivering a Residents First Agenda”

R4U’s John Lodge and Petrina Lees, Council Leader and Deputy Leader at Uttlesford District Council have issued the following end of year joint statement to residents: Cllr John Lodge, Leader, …read more →

Recruitment starts for independent members to join new UDC Investment Board to boost governance

Uttlesford District Council has started recruiting new independent members to join the council’s new Investment Board. Do you have asset management experience and want to help your community? R4U’s Cllr …read more →

R4U commits to next phase of Eco-Agenda at UDC delivering 80,000 trees & hedges, bees, bugs and bats

R4U has committed to the next phase of its eco-programme to take action on climate change, protect and enhance Uttlesford’s natural resources and rural character, and take strong action on …read more →