ECC Cllr John Lodge: A proper repair to Elmdon Lee Bridge

Many local residents will know that the Elmdon Lee Bridge near Littlebury Green has been closed for repairs for some weeks and ECC Highways have said initially that it will …read more →

Cllr Joanna Parry: “People are working tirelessly for a better Uttlesford”

It may seem a little odd that in my first blog I commented that the District Council needed non-party political members to work on behalf of residents – taking party …read more →

Cllr Keith Mackman: Success in Dunmow!

I am delighted to be able to share good news about the Dunmow planning application. A couple of weeks ago the solicitor rang and told me that Taylor Wimpey were …read more →

Sharon Morris: Community makes this a great place to live!

We are often told in the news that Uttlesford tops the polls for the best place to live. Undeniably we live in an area of outstanding beauty, having countryside on …read more →

Dan Starr: “Every voice, every community”

I got an inbound email from a resident in the south of the district this week. He said that “an independent residents’ party is an excellent idea” but wanted to …read more →

John Lodge: UDC future funding a ‘Roller-Coaster Ride’

Had an interesting day in County Hall this week looking at local government finances in general and Essex CC in particular. It is expected that the Rate Support Grant will be …read more →

Richard Freeman: National parties are kow-towing to developers

I hope that you will vote for me, Richard Freeman, in May 2015. I live in the centre of Saffron Walden, and for twelve continuous years I had the pleasure and …read more →

Cllr Dave McLellan

Town councillor Dave McLellan has spent a career as a business analyst and project manager in financial services. He has lived in Saffron Walden for 22 years and volunteers for the local cinema and wildlife groups.

“I saw what a great job Residents for Uttlesford had been doing at the town council and I joined to help them continue to make Saffron Walden a great place to live. I am particularly interested in reducing plastic waste and supporting sustainable transport.” Dave McLellan


Dave McLellan has spent a career as a business analyst and project manager in financial services.

He and his family have lived in Saffron Walden for 22 years. His children have both been through local primary and secondary schools. He volunteers for the Saffron Screen and wildlife groups.

He says he stood for Saffron Walden Town Council because “I saw what a great job Residents for Uttlesford had done at the town council and want to help them continue to make Saffron Walden a great place to live.

He is particularly interested in the R4U’s policies to reduce single-use plastic waste and increasing the use of sustainable transport.

Dave said he first wanted to stand for Residents for Uttlesford because “R4U seem to really care about what residents want and deliver on it. The work they have done around the Saffron Walden Common and the installation of drinking fountains are examples of ways to improve where we live. I think it’s important that local councils are run by the community not political parties, and R4U provides the means for that to happen.

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    Cllr Geoff Bagnall

    Geoff Bagnall is an Uttlesford District and former Takeley Parish councillor. Geoff is committed to creating greater local community involvement in shaping the future of Uttlesford. At UDC he chairs the strategic Local Plan working group. He lives in Takeley.

    “I believe we need local representation at Uttlesford rather than the mainstream political parties if we are to secure the proper future for our communities. There is great support for local decisions on the doorstep.” Geoff Bagnall


    Geoff Bagnall moved to Takeley in 2009 and was been a long-serving parish councillor and now an Uttlesford District councillor.

    He says “I am absolutely convinced that we need strong representation at a local level to ensure we are able to build the community in the right way. I believe we need it to be LOCAL representation at Uttlesford District Council rather than the mainstream political parties if we are to secure the proper future for our communities.

    Geoff has spent his career in the banking and finance sector. During that time he has held various roles, most of which have required him to look at making improvements to processes and implement organisational change.  He says “To help me achieve success in these roles, one of the key capabilities has been the ability to communicate and drive consensus across teams, as that’s the way you get things done.  To do that I have built up a large network of relationships, which you need to work through complex problems with a number of stakeholders.”

    These core skills of communication and network building will stand Geoff in good stead to help resolve the many issues at Uttlesford District Council and Essex County Council.

    Locally he is particularly keen to ensure that planning decisions are taken for the benefit of the district as a whole, and that they include all infrastructure provisioning at the same time, for example, schools, medical centres, roads and utilities. He said he remembers once asking a now former Conservative District Councillor about the lack of school places when planning decisions were made at Uttlesford District Council. Geoff said “The Councillor replied that schools are the responsibility of Essex not Uttlesford District Council”. Geoff says he disagrees and believes that responsibly cannot be shirked. He believes that things like school places should be “very much part of planning decision making and that deciding in isolation is to the detriment of existing communities.


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