Saffron Walden Town Council approves budget in line with 5 year financial plan

On Monday 9th January Saffron Walden Town Council  approved the budget for the 2017 financial year in line with the 5-year financial plan adopted in January 2016. Cllr Paul Gadd, leader …read more →

R4U opposes £2 million cuts to Uttlesford Secondary Schools

Residents for Uttlesford is opposing the more than £2 million funding cuts being forced onto Uttlesford schools by central government. John Lodge, R4U Leader at UDC, said “All of our …read more →

Refused school transport by ECC? Department for Education asks you to contact R4U

Department for Education asks for R4U help in contacting affected families as part of investigation into Essex County Council’s failure to provide school transport As part of the ongoing investigation …read more →

R4U’s Uttlesford Youth Council initiative gets green light

R4U has announced that its Uttlesford Youth Council has been given the go ahead by Uttlesford District Council. Uttlesford District Council approved a new programme of youth engagement last week …read more →

ECC objects to UDC’s large-scale home-building proposals on east of Saffron Walden due to poor road network

R4U believes that a recently published highways study by Essex County Council  derails Uttlesford District Council’s proposals to build 1350 new homes on the east of Saffron Walden. Heather Asker, one …read more →

Saffron Walden secondary students to go to Newport thanks to Tory UDC Cabinet Local Plan

The UDC Cabinet’s failing Local Plan will force new Saffron Walden students to Newport due to the lack of planned spaces. In its Local Plan UDC must find space for …read more →

Resident voices finally heard at Local Plan meeting, but Tories reject total transparency vote – Press Release

R4U thank local people for their overwhelming attendance and support at the public Local Plan meeting held by UDC, but are disappointed that the release of key documents was blocked …read more →

UDC to be forced by answer residents’ Local Plan questions at Extraordinary Council Meeting called by R4U

R4U has called an Extraordinary Meeting of Uttlesford District Council so that the UDC Cabinet can provide answers in public about the suspended Local Plan. The public meeting will be held …read more →

Key Air Quality Study rejected as UDC exposed for trying to ignore illegal pollution to justify mass-housebuilding in Saffron Walden

R4U) believes that UDC’s faulty Air Quality Action Plan that was rejected last week was a deliberate attempt to manufacture evidence to support a politically motivated Local Plan to allow …read more →

R4U refers Essex County Council to Department for Education for investigation into failure to provide school transport

R4U has asked the Department for Education to investigate ECC for a breach of its statutory duty to provide school transport. Over the summer ECC forced through adverse changes to school …read more →