High Street pavement repairs to start in Saffron Walden

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) is delighted that Essex Highways is planning to start emergency repairs to the High St pavement in Saffron Walden from the week beginning 8 June. R4U’s …read more →

Saffron Walden Town Council adopts Climate Action Plan

R4U-led Saffron Walden Town Council has formally adopted a Climate Action Plan setting out how it will achieve its goal of being carbon neutral by 2030. R4U Councillor Paul Gadd, …read more →

Amidst local mental health crisis, R4U secures higher priority support at Essex County Council

In light of startling figures of local mental health issues amongst young people, Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) councillors at ECC have successfully driven through a unanimously supported motion for urgent …read more →

Residents Administration at UDC provides over £300k in grants to the Uttlesford volunteer sector

The Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) administration at Uttlesford District Council has provided funding support for fifteen local bodies that coordinate volunteer activity and provide direct support to residents in need. …read more →

Update on Uttlesford support for Ukraine refugees

Message from R4U’s Cllr Petrina Lees, Leader of Uttlesford District Council: We are all distressed and concerned by the events in Ukraine. It is truly appalling. As a district we …read more →

New Electric Vehicle Charging points for public use installed at Uttlesford District Council car park

As part of R4U’s Net-Zero strategy at Uttlesford District Council, new publicly accessible electric vehicle charging points have been installed at the council car park on London Road in Saffron …read more →

Two more victories for UDC and residents as 2 appeals for 300 houses refused in the High Court

The High and Supreme courts have backed UDC’s decision to refuse two unsustainable planning applications. R4U’s Cllr John Evans, who is UDC portfolio holder for Planning and the Local Plan, …read more →

R4U at UDC delivers balanced budget with low 10p a week district council tax increase and zero district precept for those Uttlesford residents most in need

In light of the economic conditions facing many residents, R4U’s administration at UDC has delivered a balanced budget with only a modest below-the-rate-of-inflation council tax increase, and for those most …read more →

Lime Ave Football Fields – SWTC finally take over the keys

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) is delighted to announce that Saffron Walden Town Council has finally taken possession of the playing fields at Lime Avenue, after years of fighting Persimmon Homes. …read more →

Independent planners question Westminster motives for punitive action against Uttlesford

Independent planning experts have been questioning the government’s real motives for taking control of major planning decisions in Uttlesford. Cllr John Evans, UDC portfolio holder for Planning and the Local …read more →