Saffron Walden Town Council

Find out about your Saffron Walden Residents For Uttlesford team below and what we’ve achieved for the town since 2015.

Your Saffron Walden Town Council Residents Team

Your Saffron Walden Town Council Residents Team

NameCouncillor/Candidate for:About/BioCategoriesCommunityLast NameFirst Namehf:categories
Cllr Deryk Eke
Cllr Deryk Eke
Deryk is a former Chartered Civil Engineer who lives in Saffron Walden. During his career he has delivered many major £billon infrastructure projects worldwide. As a councillor, his experience is an asset in working to solve the major infrastructure issues we face.Councillor, Saffron Walden Town Council, Saffron Walden Town Council - Audley Ward, Town Council in UttlesfordSaffron Walden Town AudleyEkeDerykcouncillor people-swtc saffron-walden-audley-parish town-council elected-role people parish electoral-area
Cllr James de Vries
Cllr James de Vries
An Uttlesford resident since 1985, James has a background in aviation and specialises in commercial IT. He’s an experienced councillor and town mayor. He has spearheaded local business networking initiatives.Councillor, Saffron Walden Town Council, Saffron Walden Town Council - Shire Ward, Town Council in UttlesfordSaffron Walden Town Shirede VriesJamescouncillor people-swtc saffron-walden-shire-parish town-council elected-role people parish electoral-area
Cllr Arthur Coote
Cllr Arthur Coote
Director of the Bell Nursery Arthur has worked as a child carer and early years educator for 30+ years, and has spent most of his life working for local communities. He lives in Saffron Walden, and is a town & district councillor and former Mayor.Councillor, District Council (Uttlesford), Saffron Walden Audley Ward, Saffron Walden Town Council, Saffron Walden Town Council - Shire Ward, Town Council in UttlesfordSaffron Walden AudleyCooteArthurcouncillor district-council saffron-walden-audley-ward people-swtc saffron-walden-shire-parish town-council elected-role people ward electoral-area parish
Cllr Richard Porch
Cllr Richard Porch
Successful businessman Richard has chaired a number of companies during his career. He is an experienced councillor and mayor with a long history of active involvement with a number of charities. He has lived in Saffron Walden for 20+ years with his family.Councillor, Saffron Walden Town Council, Saffron Walden Town Council - Castle & Little Walden Ward, Town Council in UttlesfordSaffron Walden Town Castle & Little WaldenPorchRichardcouncillor people-swtc saffron-walden-castle-parish town-council elected-role people parish electoral-area
Cllr Richard Freeman
Cllr Richard Freeman
Experienced councillor Richard Freeman lives in Saffron Walden, where he restored the Town Hall, purchased trees and salt bins, supported Bridge End Gardens and has worked tirelessly to ensure that developers have finally provided a safe playground at Tudor Park and two new playing fields in Lime Avenue.Councillor, District Council (Uttlesford), Saffron Walden Castle Ward, Saffron Walden Town Council, Saffron Walden Town Council - Castle & Little Walden Ward, Town Council in UttlesfordSaffron Walden CastleFreemanRichardcouncillor district-council saffron-walden-castle-ward people-swtc saffron-walden-castle-parish town-council elected-role people ward electoral-area parish
Cllr Paul Gadd
Cllr Paul Gadd
Saffron Walden resident Paul is Leader of the Town Council and Essex County Councillor for the Saffron Walden Division. He was first elected in 2015. Professionally he is a retired lawyer and is very active in the local community.Councillor, County Council (Essex), Saffron Walden County Division, Saffron Walden Town Council, Saffron Walden Town Council - Audley Ward, Town Council in UttlesfordSaffron Walden Town AudleyGaddPaulcouncillor county-council division-saffron-walden people-swtc saffron-walden-audley-parish town-council elected-role people division electoral-area parish
Cllr Patrick Hawke-Smith
Cllr Patrick Hawke-Smith
Town councillor Patrick lives in Saffron Walden and is actively involved as a volunteer with several local organisations. He is a professional fundraiser, working for a medical research charity.Councillor, Saffron Walden Town Council, Saffron Walden Town Council - Shire Ward, Town Council in UttlesfordSaffron Walden Town ShireHawke-SmithPatrickcouncillor people-swtc saffron-walden-shire-parish town-council elected-role people parish electoral-area
Cllr Melon (Jubeyuir) Ahmed
Cllr Melon (Jubeyuir) Ahmed
After 30 years in Saffton Walden with his family, many residents know and respect town and district councillor Melon (Jubeyuir) Ahmed. He’s the man behind a number of the town’s Indian restaurants, including The Spice on Rowntree Way.Councillor, District Council (Uttlesford), Saffron Walden Shire Ward, Saffron Walden Town Council, Saffron Walden Town Council - Shire Ward, Town Council in UttlesfordSaffron Walden ShireAhmedMelon (Jubeyeir)councillor district-council saffron-walden-shire-ward people-swtc saffron-walden-shire-parish town-council elected-role people ward electoral-area parish
Cllr Alex Reeve
Cllr Alex Reeve
Saffron Walden town and district councillor Alex has been a primary and secondary teacher for over 20 years. He currently manages and teaches English at the Uttlesford Pop-up School for Ukrainian refugees. He’s a trustee of the town’s Youth Outreach Programme.Councillor, District Council (Uttlesford), Saffron Walden Audley Ward, Saffron Walden Town Council, Saffron Walden Town Council - Audley Ward, Town Council in UttlesfordSaffron Walden AudleyReeveAlexcouncillor district-council saffron-walden-audley-ward people-swtc saffron-walden-audley-parish town-council elected-role people ward electoral-area parish
Cllr Daniel McBirnie
Cllr Daniel McBirnie
Saffron Walden councillor and resident Daniel has fought developers and won concessions for local people. He’s a former Army Lieutenant Colonel who’s provided MoD briefings to the government on Covid and Mental Health.Councillor, District Council (Uttlesford), Saffron Walden Shire Ward, Saffron Walden Town Council, Saffron Walden Town Council - Shire Ward, Town Council in UttlesfordSaffron Walden ShireMcBirnieDanielcouncillor district-council saffron-walden-shire-ward people-swtc saffron-walden-shire-parish town-council elected-role people ward electoral-area parish
Cllr Ralph Meloy
Cllr Ralph Meloy
Ralph has lived locally for over 20 years and has retired from a career of charity, commercial and trade union work. He supports many local good causes and is committed to sustaining the Saffron Walden community.Councillor, Saffron Walden Town Council, Saffron Walden Town Council - Shire Ward, Town Council in UttlesfordSaffron Walden Town ShireMeloyRalphcouncillor people-swtc saffron-walden-shire-parish town-council elected-role people parish electoral-area
Cllr Lucy Walker
Cllr Lucy Walker
Saffron Walden resident and councillor Lucy has a law degree from Cambridge and has built a career in supporting children and families through roles in social care, fostering and adoption.Councillor, Saffron Walden Town Council, Saffron Walden Town Council - Audley Ward, Town Council in UttlesfordSaffron Walden Town AudleyWalkerLucycouncillor people-swtc saffron-walden-audley-parish town-council elected-role people parish electoral-area
Cllr Jeanette Curtis
Cllr Jeanette Curtis
Jeanette has lived and worked in Saffron Walden for 34 years, working for the NHS and in Social Care. Her various roles make her well qualified to support the Town Council in making decisions to maintain and expand services.Councillor, Saffron Walden Town Council, Saffron Walden Town Council - Castle & Little Walden Ward, Town Council in UttlesfordSaffron Walden Town Castle & Little WaldenCurtisJeanettecouncillor people-swtc saffron-walden-castle-parish town-council elected-role people parish electoral-area
Cllr Kateryna Shotropa
Cllr Kateryna Shotropa
Kateryna has a financial and sales background and has lived in Saffron Walden with her family for 20 years. She’s originally from Ukraine and has worked hard over the past year to raise money and support those suffering from the war. Councillor, Saffron Walden Town Council, Saffron Walden Town Council - Shire Ward, Town Council in UttlesfordSaffron Walden Town ShireShotropaKaterynacouncillor people-swtc saffron-walden-shire-parish town-council elected-role people parish electoral-area
Cllr Denise Jones
Cllr Denise Jones
Denise has lived and worked in Saffron all her life. She attended Saffron Walden County High School, and has a large extended family in the area. Councillor, Saffron Walden Town Council, Saffron Walden Town Council - Shire Ward, Town Council in UttlesfordSaffron Walden Town ShireJonesDenisecouncillor people-swtc saffron-walden-shire-parish town-council elected-role people parish electoral-area
Cllr Dave McLellan
Cllr Dave McLellan
Town councillor Dave has spent a career as a business analyst and project manager in financial services. He has lived in Saffron Walden for 22 years and volunteers for the local cinema and wildlife groups.Councillor, Saffron Walden Town Council, Saffron Walden Town Council - Shire Ward, Town Council in UttlesfordSaffron Walden Town ShireMcLellanDavecouncillor people-swtc saffron-walden-shire-parish town-council elected-role people parish electoral-area
NameCouncillor/Candidate for:About/BioCategoriesCommunityLast NameFirst Namehf:categories
Delivering the best local results for Saffron Walden

Delivering the best local results for Saffron Walden

Residents for Uttlesford achievements in Saffron Walden

£1million financial hole and crumbling assets to award winning council
Some of the things we’ve done in Saffron Walden include:

Thank you for re-electing us in 2019. We are committed to doing much more for residents over the next term.

Map and about the Saffron Walden Electoral Area

About the Saffron Walden Electoral Area

Saffron Walden in Essex is administered by Saffron Walden Town Council.


If you’re not sure which electoral area you’re in, use the ward finder by postcode.

More information about Uttlesford electoral areas

A number of wards are combined into a county council Division, which is in effect a ‘super ward’.
Essex County Council has four Divisions in Uttlesford, each returning a single County Councillor, who are elected every 4 years. These elections are offset from the District elections by 2 years. That means that the next Essex County Council election is in May 2021.
The following are the Essex County Council Divisions in Uttlesford District:

Uttlesford Wards

The following are the Uttlesford District wards: