Uttlesford District Saffron Walden Castle Ward

The Saffron Walden Castle Ward in north-west Essex is administered by Uttlesford District Council.

Representation by Residents for Uttlesford

Below are the Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) representatives for Saffron Walden Castle Ward.
Team Member About
Cllr Richard Freeman
Experienced councillor Richard Freeman lives in Saffron Walden, where he restored the Town Hall, purchased trees and salt bins, supported Bridge End Gardens and has worked tirelessly to ensure that developers have finally provided a safe playground at Tudor Park and two new playing fields in Lime Avenue.

Map and Location

If you're not sure which electoral area you're in, use the MySociety.org ward finder by postcode.

Related Electoral Areas

Some or all of the households in the following parishes are in the Uttlesford District Saffron Walden Castle Ward, and are covered by the following county division(s):

More information about Uttlesford electoral areas

A number of wards are combined into a county council Division, which is in effect a ‘super ward’.
Essex County Council has four Divisions in Uttlesford, each returning a single County Councillor, who are elected every 4 years. These elections are offset from the District elections by 2 years. That means that the next Essex County Council election is in May 2021.
The following are the Essex County Council Divisions in Uttlesford District:

Uttlesford Wards

The following are the Uttlesford District wards: