We need your vote to help us set the agenda for residents to decide for themselves.
Voter ID now required – don’t lose your vote
An identity document is now required to vote for most people. Consider a postal vote instead. Find out more and how not to lose your vote on our Voter ID information page.
Making your vote count
Find out how to vote and how to make sure you maximise your votes for Residents’ candidates from our How to Vote page.
Register to vote
If you don’t vote or want to apply for a postal vote, register to vote here.
Your ward, when and where to vote
Use the form below to find your ward, polling station and upcoming election day:
(Form not provided by R4U – use of form subject to Privacy and Terms of democracyclub.co.uk)
Find your ward
Do you know which ward you’re in? If not, check using the MySociety.org ward postcode finder.